Department of LAW
Assistant Professor, Department of Law, ahmed.fariduddin@gmail.comAs a Faculty Member:
- Teaching at both undergraduate [LL.B (Honors)] and post-graduate (LLM) levels.
- Discharging responsibilities as a teaching faculty and as a chairman/ member of the Examination Committee regarding examination, tabulation and result submission.
- Counselling students as batch advisor.
- Maintaining the basic operations and policy implementation in academic software (PUAIS).
- Supervising LL.M. students for research monographs.
- Advising students in their intern/research projects.
- Conducting and supervising different co-curricular and extra-curricular activities like field visit, winter cloth distribution, blood donation and grouping camps, indoor and outdoor games etc.
October 2014 Till Now | Assistant Professor, Department of Law Premier University, Chattogram, Bangladesh |
June 2009 October 2014 | Lecturer, Department of Law Premier University, Chattogram, Bangladesh |
Master of Laws(LL.M.)Faculty of Law, University of Chittagong
Bachelor of Laws(LL.B. HONS.)
Faculty of Law, University of Chittagong
Journal Publications
- “Legal Regime of Advertisement in Bangladesh and Protection of Consumers”, Premier Critical Perspective, Vol. No. 02, Issue 01, pages 217-228.
- “Settlement of Cyber Disputes through Terrestrial Provisions Law and Technology Converge in the US Practice”, Journal of International Trade and Policy, Vol. No. 10, Issue 02, pages 185-196.
- “Family Courts in Bangladesh: A Quest for Jurisdictional Reform”, Organized by the Department of Law, Premier University, 3rdDecember 2022
- “Muslim Family Laws in Bangladesh: A Brief Introduction”, 1st Ed., Chattrogram: Ahmed’s Tertiary Publication, 2015, as a co-author with MS Surina Tarzid.
- “Comparative Law”, Chattogram, Sui Juris, 2014.
Muslim Personal Law
Comparative Law
Fiscal Law and Islamic Jurisprudence.
1. “Training Programme on Environment, Environmental Las & Public Interest Litigation;” organized by Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA); from December 02-04, 2006; Chittagong; Bangladesh.
2. “8th Human Rights Summer School(HRSS)”; organized by Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ElCOP); from November 29 to December 10, 2007; Manikgonj; Bangladesh.
3. Workshop on “Sharing Post Self-Assessment Improvement Plan, organized by the Department of Law, Premier University 2017”.
4. Workshop on “teaching and learning organized by IQAC, Premier University-2017”.
5. Seminar on “Family Courts in Bangladesh: A Quest for Jurisdictional Reform”, organized by the Department of Law, Premier University, 3rd December 2022.
6. Workshop on The implementation of OBEC, Organized by IQAC, Premier University, 8th December 2022.