Department of LAW

Department of LAW

Fariduddin Ahmed

Assistant Professor, Department of Law,


As a Faculty Member:

  • Teaching at both undergraduate [LL.B (Honors)] and post-graduate (LLM) levels.
  • Discharging responsibilities as a teaching faculty and as a chairman/ member of the Examination Committee regarding examination, tabulation and result submission.
  • Counselling students as batch advisor.
  • Maintaining the basic operations and policy implementation in academic software (PUAIS).
  • Supervising LL.M. students for research monographs.
  • Advising students in their intern/research projects.
  • Conducting and supervising different co-curricular and extra-curricular activities like field visit, winter cloth distribution, blood donation and grouping camps, indoor and outdoor games etc.


October 2014
Till Now
Assistant Professor, Department of Law
Premier University, Chattogram, Bangladesh
June 2009
October 2014
Lecturer, Department of Law
Premier University, Chattogram, Bangladesh


Master of Laws(LL.M.) 

Faculty of Law, University of Chittagong

Bachelor of Laws(LL.B. HONS.)

Faculty of Law, University of Chittagong


Journal Publications

  1. “Legal Regime of Advertisement in Bangladesh and Protection of Consumers”, Premier Critical Perspective, Vol. No. 02, Issue 01, pages 217-228.
  1. “Settlement of Cyber Disputes through Terrestrial Provisions Law and Technology Converge in the US Practice”, Journal of International Trade and Policy, Vol. No. 10, Issue 02, pages 185-196.


  1. “Family Courts in Bangladesh: A Quest for Jurisdictional Reform”, Organized by the Department of Law, Premier University, 3rdDecember 2022


  1. “Muslim Family Laws in Bangladesh: A Brief Introduction”, 1st Ed., Chattrogram: Ahmed’s Tertiary Publication, 2015, as a co-author with MS Surina Tarzid.
  1. “Comparative Law”, Chattogram, Sui Juris, 2014.

Area of Interests

Muslim Personal Law
Comparative Law
Fiscal Law and Islamic Jurisprudence.

Training & Workshops

1. “Training Programme on Environment, Environmental Las & Public Interest Litigation;” organized by Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA); from December 02-04, 2006; Chittagong; Bangladesh.
2. “8th Human Rights Summer School(HRSS)”; organized by Empowerment  through Law of the Common People (ElCOP); from November 29 to December 10, 2007; Manikgonj; Bangladesh.
3. Workshop on “Sharing Post Self-Assessment Improvement Plan, organized by the Department of Law, Premier University 2017”.
4. Workshop on “teaching and learning organized by IQAC, Premier University-2017”.
5. Seminar on “Family Courts in Bangladesh: A Quest for Jurisdictional Reform”, organized by the Department of Law, Premier University, 3rd December 2022.

6. Workshop on The implementation of OBEC, Organized by IQAC, Premier University, 8th December 2022.

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